EZ-CAM Akıllı Anahtar

By changing our licensing system, we are offering you many new advantages. Now, instead of the old dongle, you can immediately start using your EZ-CAM CAD/CAM Software by entering your license code at the startup.

Advantages of the new EZ-CAM Software Key:

» Eliminates the risk of losing or theft of the dongle.
» Accelerates the license transfer process by simply deactivating and activating it on another computer.
» Unaffected by Windows updates since it doesn’t require additional driver.
» Saves you from waiting for dongle shipments.
» Eliminates concerns about the dongle breaking or malfunctioning.

No matter which EZ-CAM CAD/CAM Software package you use, you can enjoy the benefits of enhanced productivity by transitioning to the New Software Key system!

For detailed information, you can contact us at 508 347 – 32 22 or info@ezcam.com