EZ-MILL Pro extends the standard EZ-MILL capabilities to meet the demanding needs of the prototype, tooling, die and mold professional. EZ-MILL Pro includes all the functionality of EZ-MILL plus surface creation and machining capabilities. 3D Surface Machining Wizard combines 12 different Roughing, Re-Roughing and Finishing strategies under a new and simple-to-use dialog box. Affordable CNC Milling Software.

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3D Machining Workstep Wizard

3D Machining Workstep Wizard We have added a new 3D Surface Machining Wizard to the Machining menu. Beside many cycle related improvements, this new wizard now serves as the foundation for all 3D surface machining by combining all options under a new and simple-to-use dialog interface. It provides an easy to understand choice of methods and toolpath types which allow even inexperienced users to generate their first 3D toolpaths with a couple of clicks.

For most parts you may only need three work steps from solid stock to finished work piece. Simply select the desired Roughing, Re-Roughing or Finishing operation from the list, select the toolpath type that fits best to your model and add tools from the tool library. Additional settings are set to appropriate default values by the wizard so you can verify and display the desired toolpath right away on the screen. At any time you can return to the wizard dialog to optimize settings until you’re satisfied with the results, while additional help graphics provide valuable information.


This approach relies upon many years of experience combined with comprehensive research and user feedback. With just a few simple settings, any user, regardless of experience, can create a 3D machining work step utilizing EZ-CAM’s new surfacing strategies and create a complex toolpath. At the same time, the wizard does not keep experienced users from making use of the full range of toolpath options that are sometimes necessary to address specific machining requirements.

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3D Machining Strategies


The Roughing methods use a horizontal slicing strategy to create machining regions in which a conventional 2.5 axis toolpath is generated. The selected Cut surfaces are offset in 3D by the specified tool then sliced at each Z Step interval. Intersection boundaries resulting from cavities or depressions are treated as pocketing areas, and intersections resulting from protrusions as islands.

  • Pocketing – Creates a 2.5 axis offset pocketing toolpath.
  • Parallel – Creates a 2.5 axis linear toolpath along a specified angle.
  • Plunge –Creates plunge-drilling moves to the underlying surface along a series of rows at a specified angle.
Roughing – Pocketing Toolpath
Solid Model Verification


The Re-Roughing methods use a specified, previously created, refer-ence Roughing work step to automatically calculate and create a 2D Rest Curve identifying the uncut regions remaining from the refer-ence work step. A conventional 2.5-axis curve roughing work step is then created and assigned to the Rest Curve and toolpath generated inside each region at the roughing Z Step intervals

  • Pocketing – Creates a 2.5 axis offset pocketing toolpath.
  • Parallel – Creates a 2.5 axis linear toolpath along a specified angle.


The Finishing Methods use three distinct toolpath generation tech-niques as described below.

    • 3D Equidistant – Creates 3D toolpath consisting of a series of on-surface offset passes similar to a pocking style toolpath that propagate from the selected Cut surface edges. Each pass is positioned at a uniform distance from the adjacent pass, regardless of surface slope.
  • Constant Z – Ceates 2.5-axis contouring passes at successive Z levels. The selected Cut surfaces are offset in 3D by the specified tool and sliced at each Z Step interval.
  • Projection – Creates 3D toolpath by generating a 2D pattern and segmenting it into polylines based on the specified tolerance, then projecting each point to the selected Cut surfaces using the tool shape.
» Pocketing – Creates a 2D offset pocketing pattern.

» Parallel – Creates a 2D linear pattern along a specified angle.

» Radial – Creates a 2D linear pattern between an outer boundary and inner boundary or point.

» Longitudinal – Creates a 2D pattern that follows an outer boundary while transitioning into an inner boundary or point.



Refinishing method allows areas uncut by a preceding workstep, due to tool size or configuration, to be identified and re-machined using an equidistant toolpath. The Refinishing workstep uses the tool and parameters of a specified reference workstep to compute the uncut area boundaries, then applies an equidistant toolpath to them using the Refinishing workstep tool


Equidistant surface refinishing toolpath at the right side uses the toolpath at the left as reference and cleans up the corners with a smaller refinishing tool.

Pencil Milling

The Wizard now contains a new Pencil Milling method, which generates toolpath to machine all concave surface intersections where the specified tool makes dual contact. This capability is useful for removing material remaining in corners and along fillets in both finish and semi-finishing applications. Multiple Pencil Milling worksteps using progressively smaller tools can be used to trace along part features, gradually removing remaining material.

Product Comparison Chart

Import/Export DXF/DWG/IGES
Wireframe Geometry Creation and Editing
Basic Dimensioning
Basic Engraving
Gears/Splines/Cams Geometry Creation
Multiple Layers and Colors
Multiple Construction / Machining Coord. Sys.
Silhouette Boundary Curve Creation
Basic Surface Creation and Editing
Advanced Surface Creation and Editing
Copy/Paste from Alibre (Solids Modeling & Design)
Single and Multi-pass Profiling
3D Profiling
Thread Milling
ZigZag Pocketing
Offset Pocketing
UltraHSM Pocketing (High-Speed )
Curve Machining Wizard
XYUV - Form Tool - Punch/Die Cycles
Tapered Tool & Wall Support
Standard Holemaking Canned Cycle Support
Rotary Axis Indexing (4th & 5th Axis)
Rotary Axis Wrapping
Equidistant Finishing
Automatic Constant Z Re-Roughing
Constant Z Roughing
Constant Z Finishing
Equidistant Re-Finishing
Pencil Milling
Rough Turning/Facing/Boring from Cylindrical Stock
Rough Turning/Facing/Boring from Custom Stock
Canned Cycle Roughing Support
Custom Auxiliary, Bar Pull and Cut-Off Cycles
Drilling/Threading/Grooving/Long Hand&Canned Cyc.
Toolpath Repetitions - Translate/Rotate/Mirror
Graphic Toolpath Verification Plotting
Solids Simulation Toolpath Verification
Dynamic Viewing Controls
Tool Library
Material Library
Integrated Spreadsheet Operations Manager
Library of Posts
Post Processor Editor
Visual Basic Automation Interface