EZ-WEB Tools Windows Firewall Configuration
While using EZ-WEB Tools, you may encounter issues due to firewall or other network restrictions. To resolve such issues, follow these steps:
1. Configure Firewall Settings
To ensure the smooth operation of EZ-WEB Tools, add the following items to the “Allowed Applications” list of your firewall:
Properly adding these items will allow the application to perform updates and data transfers without interruptions.
How to Configure Firewall Settings?
Navigate to: Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Defender Firewall.
In the left menu, click Allow an app or feature through Windows Defender Firewall.
In the new window, click the Change Settings button in the upper right corner.
Add the following paths to the allowed applications list:
/EZCAM32/ez-cam64.exe, /EZCAMX32/ez-cam64.exe, /EDM32/ez-cam.exe
Click OK to save your changes.
2. Whitelist HTTPS Port 443
EZ-WEB Tools primarily uses the HTTPS protocol for internet communication. Therefore:
Add HTTPS Port 443 to your firewall’s whitelist.
How to Whitelist HTTPS Port 443?
Navigate to: Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Defender Firewall.
In the left menu, click Advanced Settings.
In the new window, select Inbound Rules from the left menu and click New Rule in the right menu.
Select Port and click Next.
Choose TCP and specify 443 in the Specific local ports field.
Name the rule (e.g., “HTTPS 443 Port”) and complete the setup.
3. Ensure DLL Files Are Not Blocked
EZ-WEB Tools relies on certain critical DLL files. Ensure the following files are not blocked by your firewall or antivirus software:
These files are located in the EZCAM32, EZCAMX32, and EDM32 directories. Blocking these files may prevent certain features of the software from working correctly.
How to Verify DLL Files Are Not Blocked?
Locate the DLL files in the following directories:
EZCAM32, EZCAMX32, and EDM32 folders.
Open your antivirus software and check the scan results.
Ensure these files are not quarantined or blocked.
To add exceptions for these files in the firewall:
Open Allow an app or feature through Windows Defender Firewall.
Use the Browse button to manually select these file paths and add them to the list.
By following these steps, you can resolve connection or permission issues encountered while using EZ-WEB Tools.